Wir haben einige neue Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften zu kinderspezifischen Fragen rund um das Coronavirus für Sie zusammengestellt. Reihenfolge nach Erscheinungsdatum.
Lessons from COVID-19 mortality data across countries
Quelle: Journal of Hypertension, Mai 2021
Interleukin-6 Receptor Antagonists in Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19
Quelle: The New England Journal of Medicine, 22. April 2021
Tocilizumab in Hospitalized Patients with Severe Covid-19 Pneumonia
Quelle: The New England Journal of Medicine, 22. April 2021
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Infants <12 months of Age, United States, May 2020-January 2021
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 16. April 2021
BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in a Nationwide Mass Vaccination Setting
Quelle: The New England Journal of Medicine, 15. April 2021
6-month neurological and psychiatric outcomes in 236 379 survivors of COVID-19: a retrospective cohort study using electronic health records
Quelle: The Lancet Psychiatry, 6. April 2021
COVID-19 as a Cause of Acute Neonatal Encephalitis and Cerebral Cytotoxic Edema
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, April 2021
Comorbidities’ potential impacts on severe and non-severe patients with COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Quelle: Medicine, 26. März 2021
Convalescent Plasma Antibody Levels and the Risk of Death from Covid-19
Quelle: The New England Journal of Medicine, 18. März 2021
Beneficial Effect of Statins in COVID-19–Related Outcomes—Brief Report
Quelle: Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 16. März 2021
A Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody for Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19
Quelle: The New England Journal of Medicine, 11. März 2021
Impact of the COVID-19 Vaccine on Asymptomatic Infection Among Patients Undergoing Pre-Procedural COVID-19 Molecular Screening
Quelle: Clinical Infectious Diseases, 10. März 2021
Coronavirus Disease 2019 Immediately Increases Burnout Symptoms in ICU Professionals: A Longitudinal Cohort Study
Quelle: Critical Care Medicine, März 2021
Fibrinolysis Shutdown and Thrombosis in a COVID-19 ICU
Quelle: Shock, März 2021
Antihypertensive Drugs and COVID-19 Risk
Quelle: Hypertension, März 2021
A COVID-19 Vaccination Challenge
Quelle: American Journal of Nursing, März 2021
COVID-19: Intensivpflichtige Patienten
Quelle: Arzneimitteltherapie, März 2021
COVID-19-Associated Cerebral White Matter Injury in a Newborn Infant With Afebrile Seizure
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, März 2021
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Children with Coronavirus Disease 2019: Preliminary Report from the Collaborative European Chapter of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Prospective Survey
Quelle: ASAIO Journal, Februar 2021
Untuned antiviral immunity in COVID-19 revealed by temporal type I/III interferon patterns and flu comparison
Quelle: Nature Immunology, Januar 2021
Combining Antivirals and Immunomodulators to Fight COVID-19
Quelle: Trends in Immunology, Januar 2021
Severity of Respiratory Infections With Seasonal Coronavirus Is Associated With Viral and Bacterial Coinfections
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Januar 2021
COVID-19 and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Latin American Children: A Multinational Study
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Januar 2021
Sequelae of COVID-19 in Hospitalized Children: A 4-Months Follow-Up
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Dezember 2020
Is Vertical Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Possible in Preterm Triplet Pregnancy? A Case Series
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Dezember 2020
Children and Adolescents With SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Epidemiology, Clinical Course and Viral Loads
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Dezember 2020
The Direct and Indirect Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Infections on Neonates: A Series of 26 Cases in Bangladesh
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Dezember 2020
Congenital SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Neonate With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Dezember 2020
Acute Kidney Injury in Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome Temporally Associated With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Pandemic: Experience From PICUs Across United Kingdom
Quelle: Critical Care Medicine, Dezember 2020
Kinder mit akuter Atemwegsinfektion in Kinderkliniken im Herbst/Winter 2020/21 - Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Infektiologie (DGPI) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene (DGKH) (Stand 14.10.2020)
Quelle: Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 6. November 2020
Presence and Duration of Symptoms in Febrile Infants With and Without SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, November 2020
Severe Neonatal Coronavirus Disease 2019 Presenting as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, November 2020
Serum Responses Of Children With Kawasaki Disease Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Proteins
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, November 2020
Antigentests auf SARS-CoV-2: Der Preis der Schnelligkeit
Quelle: Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 30. Oktober 2020
Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19
Quelle: Science, 23. Oktober 2020
Aspirin Use is Associated with Decreased Mechanical Ventilation, ICU Admission, and In-Hospital Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19
Quelle: Anesthesia & Analgesia, 21. Oktober 2020
Genomewide Association Study of Severe Covid-19 with Respiratory Failure
Quelle: The New England Journal of Medicine, 15. Oktober 2020
SARS-CoV-2 und Influenza: Durch Koinfektionen erhöhen sich die Morbidität und die Mortalität der Patienten
Quelle: Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 9. Oktober 2020
Immunitätsbescheinigungen: Ethikrat rät von Einführung ab
Quelle: Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 2. Oktober 2020
Einfluss gängiger Gesichtsmasken auf physiologische Parameter und Belastungsempfinden unter arbeitstypischer körperlicher Anstrengung
Quelle: Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 2. Oktober 2020
Follow-up Study of Long-time Positive RT-PCR in Stool Specimens From Asymptomatic Children Infected With SARS-CoV-2
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Oktober 2020
Update10/2020: Empfehlungen zu SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 in Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett
Quelle: Stellungnahme der deutschen geburtshilflichen und pädiatrischen Fachgesellschaften, Oktober 2020
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: A systematic review
Quelle:EClinicalMedicine, September 2020
Duration of Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Viral Shedding in Children With SARS-CoV-2: A Systematic Review and Synthesis of Data
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, September 2020
After the First Wave of COVID-19: Reflections From Italy
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, August 2020
Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children With Suspected Acute Abdomen: A Case Series From a Tertiary Hospital in Spain
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, August 2020
Anosmia and Ageusia: Not an Uncommon Presentation of COVID-19 Infection in Children and Adolescents
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, August 2020
The Role of Children in the Dynamics of Intra Family Coronavirus 2019 Spread in Densely Populated Area
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, August 2020
Neonatal Early-Onset Infection With SARS-CoV-2 in a Newborn Presenting With Encephalitic Symptoms
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, August 2020
TCOVID-19 and Kawasaki Disease: An Etiology or Coincidental Infection?
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, August 2020
Effect of Social Distancing Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Incidence of Viral Respiratory Tract Infections in Children in Finland During Early 2020
Quelle: Pediatr Infect Dis J, 28. Juli 2020
Medically Attended Outpatient Coronavirus Infections in Ecuadorean Children During the 20 Months Preceding Countrywide Lockdown Related to the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic of 2020
Quelle: Pediatr Infect Dis J, 28. Juli 2020
Kinder reagieren auf Viren anders als Erwachsene
Quelle: Deutsches Ärzteblatt , 20. Juli 2020
The Role of Human Coronavirus Infection in Pediatric Acute Gastroenteritis
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Juli 2020
An outbreak of severe Kawasaki-like disease at the Italian epicentre of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic: an observational cohort study
Quelle: The Lancet Volume 395, ISSUE 10239, P1771-1778, 6. Juni 2020
COVID-19 in Children, Pregnancy and Neonates: A Review of Epidemiologic and Clinical Features
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Juni 2020
Coinfection of Influenza Virus and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2)
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Juni 2020
No evidence of secondary transmission of COVID-19 from children attending school in Ireland, 2020
Quelle: Eurosurveillance - Volume 25, Issue 21, 28. Mai 2020
Presymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Transmission in a Skilled Nursing Facility
Quelle: N Engl J Med, 28. Mai 2020
Children and adolescents in the CoVid-19 pandemic: Schools and daycare centers are to be opened again without restrictions. The protection of teachers, educators, carers and parents and the general hygiene rules do not conflict with this
Quelle: GMS Hyg Infect Control; Published online 2020 May 28. doi: 10.3205/dgkh000346
Covid-19 in Critically Ill Patients in the Seattle Region — Case Series
Quelle: N Engl J Med 21. Mai 2020
Nasal Gene Expression of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 in Children and Adults
Quelle: JAMA, 20. Mai 2020; 323 (23): 2427-2429. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.8707
Rapid risk assessment: Paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome and SARS -CoV-2 infection in children
Quelle: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 15. Mai 2020
An outbreak of severe Kawasaki-like disease at the Italian epicentre of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic: an observational cohort study
Quelle: The Lancet, May 13, 2020
Quelle: Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020 May 12.
Children are not COVID-19 super spreaders: time to go back to school
Quelle: Archives of Disease in Childhood; Published Online First: 05 May 2020. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2020-319474
Clinical Analysis of 25 Novel Coronavirus Infections in Children
Quelle: Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020 May 12. doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000002740
Coronavirus Infections in Children Including COVID-19
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal: May 2020 - Volume 39 - Issue 5 - p 355-368
Kinder haben ein Recht auf Bildung
Quelle: Deutsches Ärzteblatt, Jg. 117, Heft 19, 8. Mai 2020
Epidemiology and transmission of COVID-19 in 391 cases and 1286 of their close contacts in Shenzhen, China: a retrospective cohort study
Quelle: The Lancet, April 27, 2020 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30287-5
Challenges for the Pediatricians During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019) Pandemic Start From the Neonatal Period
Quelle: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal: April 27, 2020 - Volume Online First - Issue -
doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000002713
Wiedereröffnung von Bildungseinrichtungen – Überlegungen, Entscheidungsgrundlagen und Voraussetzungen
Quelle: RKI, Epidemiologisches Bulletin 19|2020; Online vorab: 23. April 2020
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Infection in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review
Quelle:JAMA Pediatrics, 22. April 2020
COVID-19 in Children in the United States
Quelle: Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: April 16, 2020 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue
Respiratory virus shedding in exhaled breath and efficacy of face masks
Quelle: Nature Medicine 03 April 2020, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-020-0843-2
Epidemiological Characteristics of 2143 Pediatric Patients With 2019 Coronavirus Disease in China
Quelle: Pediatrics; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-0702
Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Children — United States, February 12–April 2, 2020
Quelle: Prevention Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Early Release / Vol. 69
Possible Vertical Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 From an Infected Mother to Her Newborn Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Quelle: JAMA Published online March 26, 2020
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Information for Pediatric Healthcare Providers
Quelle: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), March 26, 2020
Neonatal Early-Onset InfectionWith SARS-CoV-2 in 33 Neonates Born to MothersWith COVID-19 inWuhan, China
Quelle: JAMA Pediatrics Published online March 26, 2020
Antibodies in Infants Born to Mothers With COVID-19 Pneumonia
Quelle: JAMA Published online March 26, 2020
SARS-CoV-2 infection in children: Transmission dynamics and clinical characteristics
Quelle: J Formos Med Assoc. 2020 Mar; 119(3): 670–673
Univ.-Professor Markus Knuf, Chefredakteur